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NEET- UG Preparation Strategy for Repeaters and Droppers 2023

NEET-UG is one of the toughest exams in India. With each passing year, the level is getting harder. It is absolutely ok, if you don’t crack the NEET exam in the first attempt, don’t be disheartened. Be kind to yourself and restart your preparations, preferably with a good coaching class. One should also keep in mind that NEET results aren’t a reflection of your brain muscles. Sometimes, some might fall back on strategy, timing, or even sheer luck. Hence, it’s necessary to have a smart approach if you are looking forward to cracking NEET in the next attempt.

Dr. Phale Medical Entrance Institute has been guiding students towards their goals for more than 27 years. We have curated a To-do list for the repeaters as a summary of what we have observed and learned over years.

Be Positive

One needs to keep high morale during this time. The initial days are full of doubt and everything seems gloomy. With patience, consistent hard work, and a positive attitude this turbulent time will pass and your exam date will come closer. And this kind of support and environment is provided only a few of the best coaching institutes in Nagpur

Analyze your result

Before taking any decision about joining coaching institutes, private tuition classes, or even self-study routes, one needs to thoroughly evaluate the score received in individual subjects. Many times, the score can be an eye opener about the strengths and weaknesses. A thorough evaluation will help you in deciding which study method would prove the best option for your endeavor. A Coaching Institute focused on NEET uses the analysis and forms a suitable strategy for studying.

Good Old Research

Even though you may have given your 100%, it may not be enough. Thanks to the golden age of the internet, videos of toppers and their experience, schedule, and strategies are available online. You might come across something that you might have missed in your prep. A curated list of some of the most important videos is maintained by our NEET coaching classes.

Diverse Study Material

By incorporating diverse study material, you will learn different approaches to the same problem. The approach to a question will be a valuable asset in the long run.

Update Study Strategy

As a repeater, the study strategy has to be renewed and a new timetable must be prepared because this time around it is different; you have already studied the material and attempted lot of tests. The focus, now, should be on solving mock tests. To understand the ways in which questions can be asked and learn to manage time better. Another important thing to focus on is bridging the gaps that were left last time. This will help in creating a more solid foundation of the concepts.

Subject-wise Study Strategy

NEET preparation can be broken down into these three subjects.  

Chemistry is divided into three topics- Physical, organic, inorganic. If studied properly, it can be very scoring, bringing your NEET score up. Out of 180 total questions, chemistry comprises of 45. It is important to give proper focus to the charts, graphs, diagrams, structural representation of molecules and ensuing reaction based on that structure while studying. Our online videos for an understanding of these topics is what makes us one of the most unique NEET classes in Nagpur.

Physics is the most difficult subject in the NEET exam. Thus constant and vigorous practice is required to get good score. The complex world of NEET’s physics is based on few concepts like heat, wave, mechanics, matter, energy, electrostasis, electrodynamics. Thus a thorough understanding of basic concepts is important. Another important thing to do is make a list of the important formulae and revise them every day. Our NEET coaching classes has formulated a comprehensive list that you can access on our blog “Important Physics Formulae List.”

Biology makes up for 90 out of 180 questions, which is 360 marks. It is divided into 2 topics: Botany and Zoology. Interlinking is one of the best studying technique for biology as different topics in the subject are most of the times interwoven. Another interesting thing to do is making diagrams with your own hands, make them as colorful as possible and sticking them across your room. This will keep attracting your attention and help in better retention. 

Time is everything

From managing your time for your study schedule to sticking to self-imposed deadlines about syllabus to test series, from managing your time during the actual exam, everything boils down to time. If you are careful then time can become your friend in this race.

Create a realistic study schedule and follow it religiously, then and only then Gods of NEET will bless you with your desired results. Once the study part is under control, the mock tests and time management during it will be your next step of preparation. It’s not just about solving the questionnaire in a fixed time, it’s about keeping calm during the most critical exam of your life. Just like everything, with practice, the right mindset can be achieved

The mind works when the body works

A healthy body will lead to a better-functioning mind. It is important to take care of your body to ensure the best optimal mindset. This will also promote a positive attitude which is quite essential in the long run.

The right coaching institutes

The right coaching institute for NEET preparation will play a pivotal role in your journey. An institute that supports your endeavor can be a big positive influence. Along with studies, an institute’s approach for repeaters is crucial in your NEET preparation. This guide will give you tips on (link) How to find the best coaching class for NEET– repeaters. 

Mistakes to avoid during NEET 23 preparations 

These are a few important things to keep in mind while preparing for NEET 23. But just as important is keeping in mind the things to not do i.e. Things to avoid while preparing for NEET 23.

  1. Don’t start studying in the sequence but study topics weightage wise.

Sequence is important to understand things in a flow. As a repeater, because you have studied these topics before, the understanding and flow is established. Thus, at this point, it becomes important for the student to leave this way of studying behind and start focusing on chapter based on their weightage. 

  1. Don’t leave difficult topics for the end.

There are a lot of times when students leave the difficult NEET topic to be studied later. While it would be more convenient to do them first as it gives you more time to understand them.

  1. Ignoring or not focusing on the tactics of negative marking. 

To crack NEET, knowing the tactics to solve the paper is just as important as the knowledge. While time management is something most of the students practice, what is ignored is how to deal with this aspect of the exam that is negative marking. Management of negative marking can make-or-break your paper.

  1. Ignoring emotional regulation

While losing hope and motivation on scoring low in mock test is dangerous, so is getting too confident on scoring high. This confidence lead for students to stop solving mock tests and we all know how important that is.

Follow these tips sincerely to score exponentially better. And become a part of Dr. Phale Medical Entrance Institute to help incorporate these changes into your daily studies.

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